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Phase One XF 100MP Rollout and Capture One Training

By 2016/01/14July 3rd, 2017events
Photospace Denver
209 Kalamath St. Unit 1
Denver, CO 80223
Come and join Mega Pixels Digital as we introduce the Phase One XF 100MP, the world’s first 100 megapixel camera!

9:00am to 11:00am – Intro to Capture One
Thinking of purchasing Capture One Pro 9 software? Join Mega Pixels Digital Certified Professional Trainer, Zac Henderson for an introduction to the world’s best RAW file conversion software, Capture One Pro! We’ll go over the basic functionality of the software and why you should use Capture One Pro in your workflow.
Class Limit: None
Time: 2 hrs
1:00pm to 5:00pm – What You Need to Know in Capture One Pro 9
The real fun begins at 1:00! Spend the afternoon with Mega Pixels Digital and learn the latest Tips & Tricks to get the most out of your new software! Bring your computer and follow along with Zac Henderson as he walks you through the COP workflow. We’ll cover best practices, troubleshooting, live tethering, and output.
We’ll also be joined by Phase One Certified Professional Instructor Jon Gilbert  who will give us a behind the scenes look at the creation of the XF 100MP, and what it means for the future of Photography. Added bonus: Get your hands on the new XF IQ3 100MP medium format camera system while shooting a live model!
Jon Gilbert is an accomplished member of the Phase One and Mamiya Leaf technical support team. He is also the Phase One and Mamiya Leaf lead instructor for North America. Over 10 years in the professional photography industry, Jon has traveled the world supporting Photographers, managing on-set capture, and teaching Capture One techniques. He runs the highly touted Phase One Certified Professional program, which has certified over 200 Digital Techs, Assistants and Photographers world wide.
Class Limit: 30
Time: 4 hrs
Fee: $100
5pm to 7pm – OPEN HOUSE
Be one of the first in CO to see the exciting new Phase One IQ3 100MP Digital Camera System! See first hand what’s capable with the Ultimate Camera system while photographing our beautiful model Dallas. Don’t forget to bring your CF cards! 
                                      ©Copyright 2016 Dan Jahn Photography